This 10 day SNLP and IBNLP certified NLP Trainer Training runs as 2 modules, online, based from Birmingham, UK
Module 1: June 12-16 2021
Module 2: September 11-15 2021
"Wise. Insightful. Invaluable." - Rosanne
The cost is £2,495 for the full Trainer Training, including IBNLP and IHNLP certification, a copy of all of Peter Freeth's NLP books, and a year of personal mentoring to get your training business flying.
SNLP licensing is an optional extra, as this requires an additional payment of £400 to the SNLP and an additional set of certification steps which are explained here.
I've spent the past 27 years refining my understanding and mastery of the principles and practice of NLP, and I want to pass all of that knowledge on to you in this very special NLP Trainer Training.
What will you get? 10 days of intensive training and practice over 2 modules, a copy of all of my NLP books, and a year's worth of personal mentoring and support to build your training business.
You don't need to train NLP to benefit from this, because what you will learn is how to weave the power of NLP into anything that you do, and the value for corporate trainers and coaches will be immeasurable.
For example, Sky doubled their sales conversion rates by incorporating these principles into their internal training, and Saga achieved the highest learner engagement they had ever seen.
This SNLP certified NLP Trainer Training is run by Peter Freeth, one of only 10 SNLP* Master Trainers in the world.
At Practitioner level of NLP, you learned some valuable patterns for creating change, and you called those patterns 'NLP techniques'. If you trained at Master Practitioner level with me, then you learned how those techniques were created, and you learned how to decode patterns of excellence and 'reverse engineer' a person's map of reality.
At Trainer level, you will learn the patterns of learning itself which created those maps of reality. You will learn how to guide a group through a challenging process of revealing their own realities and exposing their own subjective experience of life, not as an intellectual exercise, but as a concrete, first hand experience, together with all of the surprises that follow 'waking up' to a new world.
In this NLP Trainer Training, you will not learn how to 'teach' or 'train', you will learn how to create experiences which generate learning, and you will practice how to guide those experiences to create the most profound learning possible.
This NLP Trainer training will take you to the roots of learning in any subject, including NLP, at a deeper level than you thought possible, and will enable you to integrate NLP into your coaching, training and teaching work in a way that you had never imagined.
You will learn, not how to deliver training, but instead a much more valuable set of skills, giving you the ability to create and facilitate learning experiences. You will be able to use these skills in any learning scenario, not only in the traditional classroom.
Simply, in this 10 day program, you will acquire skills that are not available through any other NLP Trainer Training, including:
- Build your learning journey right into your design format so that the learning structure does the work for you
- Develop your presentation skills beyond your current limits and expectations
- Discover the art of performance, creating a sense of magical wonder in your audience
- Design isomporphic exercises and games which provide multi-dimensional feedback for your learners
- Integrate models of high performers into your training design and delivery
- Make your demonstrations work first time, every time
- Work with the natural learning cycle to accelerate learning
- Create the right level of challenge for your learners
- Learn how to give powerful feedback which enables your learners to self correct
- Design and implement evaluations which leave your learners proud to succeed
- Develop skills which are valuable for both NLP Trainers and business skills trainers
- Learn the different approaches needed for one-to-one, group and even online learning
- Lead your students through a powerful process of change
- Confidently manage group dynamics
- Easily overcome learning barriers
See what Mark Harris says about learning NLP with Peter Freeth:
Speaking about my recent NLP Master Practitioner training in Birmingham, Abbie says, "Peter's Master Practitioner training was unlike the trainings I have experienced before. It was a small group environment which was a perfect context for conversation and questioning of what was being discussed, and lead me to personally understand and integrate the NLP skills on a deeper level. I found Peter's style of training very relaxing, without any pressure of performance which again enabled me to quickly develop my skills and coaching effectively. I experienced several personal revelations and now have the skills to create a context where my clients are able to have their own revelations on their journey of change."
* Since some people have disputed this, I will explain that this is Chris Hall's SNLP, the one where you actually have to meet standards and earn your certification, rather than the Bandler version where you get a trainer certificate just for showing up, which is more than Bandler manages to do.