NLP Practitioner 


Day 1:

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Day 2:
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Day 3:
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Day 4:

Joining Instructions

Welcome to this 8 day online NLP Coaching Practitioner training, it's wonderful to have you in the group. These joining instructions will help you to prepare and gain the maximum value from the learning experience and if you have any other questions or special requests, just get in touch by email, phone, or using the contact form on this website.

Dates and Times

The course runs on each of the following days from 06:30 to 12:30, UK time. The time difference to Hong Kong is now 8 hours, so the course times are 14:30 (2:30pm) to 20:30 (8:30pm) HK time.

Module 1: November 20 - 23, 29 2023

Module 2: November 27 - 30 2023

Please make sure that you are online shortly before the start time and after breaks to ensure you have time to resolve any technical problems.

There is no requirement for 'homework' outside of these times, though many students do like to read through the manual and practice with friends and family. Either is fine. Since we're training and practising online you will benefit from practising with friends and colleagues face to face but it's not mandatory if you don't feel you have the opportunity to do that.

If you want to meet up with other students to practice in between the training modules, you can use Zoom, email, WhatsApp, whatever you like. You can set that up between yourselves.


Since this training is taking place online during shorter than usual hours, and since you'll be at home, we'll be taking two longer breaks instead of two short breaks plus lunch. This brings our total training time to the same level as for the classroom-based courses.

Time Session 1   Break  Session 2  Break  Session 3 End
UK  06:30  08:30  09:00  10:30  11:00 12:30
HK  14:30 16:30  17:00  18:30  19:00 20:30


To get the best experience from your investment in this training, I recommend the following:

  • Watch the tutorials and join the live sessions on a desktop PC or laptop with as large a screen as possible. You might even plug your computer into your TV's HDMI or VGA input for a more 'immersive' experience.
  • Place your webcam or laptop camera close enough that you are clearly visible in the Zoom window, so that your fellow students can interact with you more easily.
  • Use high quality headphones or external speakers, as poor sound quality will adversely affect your learning experience.
  • Ensure that you are not likely to be disturbed for the duration of the training. If you do miss anything, you can watch the recording, though joining live is far better.

If you don't already have a free or paid Zoom account then sign up before the first session as you will need to be signed in to Zoom in order to join securely - the free account is fine for this.

The live sessions will be recorded and you will be able to access those recordings until 27th December 2023. I recommend that you download the recordings before then if you want to refer to them in future. If you're using MS Windows, you will need to use a hard disk formatted to NTFS rather than FAT32. In other words, if you save the recordings to your internal hard drive, that should be fine, but if you want to use an external hard drive or USB stick, reformat it to NTFS. The factory default of FAT32 for such devices only allows a maximum file size of 4GB and the video recordings will be bigger than that.

Join the Zoom call for each live session using this link:


The training format is simple, we talk about the principles behind NLP and personal change in general, we explore the techniques of NLP, you work in groups of 2 or 3 to practice the techniques. Through this, you gain a personal experience of the practice of NLP, and we then discuss other applications and forms of the techniques to help you to integrate NLP with your work and personal style.

At Practitioner level, NLP training has a well-established syllabus of techniques, each one created to work with a particular structure of a client’s experience. For example, there’s a tool for integrating conflicts, one for improving relationships, one for reducing the emotional intensity of memories and so on. In order to learn and practice these techniques, you’ll be working in pairs or threes.

This will be an excellent opportunity for you to work on anything that you feel is holding you back, or any areas of your life where you would like to create more change. Of course, you don’t have to take part in any demonstrations, though you will be practising in pairs and small groups. Therefore, to get the most out of this rare opportunity to work at greater depth with a group of like-minded people in a safe environment, you might give some thought to the areas that you would like to explore during the practice exercises.

What you will need

You’ll receive a copy of The NLP Practitioner Manual.

You may want to have a notebook and pens to hand too, there are no notes to take as such, but there are some exercises where you may prefer to write on separate paper rather than in your manual, it's up to you.


There is no prerequisite in terms of NLP knowledge for NLP Practitioner.

I suggest that you join the online NLP Practitioner Foundation course which will introduce you to the main techniques that we will be learning in the NLP Coaching Practitioner training. The course will take less than two hours to complete and is designed as an introduction to help you prepare for Practitioner training.

You’ll need to let me know if you have any history of mental illness or if you are taking any medications.

It’s inevitable in this kind of training that personal issues will arise, and all of us are absolutely there to support you. Therefore, be sensitive to others as you would have them be to you. On the other hand, remember that learning and change are journeys, not destinations.

If you want to read about NLP and its techniques and principles before the course starts then you are very welcome to do so; take a look at the ‘About NLP’ section of to start with, and also the Genius youtube channel where you’ll find a selection of short and long videos on the subject.


Certification is the final stage of the learning process and it is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your skills and ask for specific developmental feedback. You are of course observed and assessed throughout the training to ensure that you are 'on track', and you will be given any feedback which is necessary. However, the final assessment is an opportunity to put all of your skills into practice.

Certification is well within your capabilities but not automatic, so if you have any concerns during the course, ask for help at any time.

For classroom courses, the final day was set aside for assessment sessions. This is now carried out separately to the online training.

You can find out more about the assessment process in the NLP Practitioner Manual or here:

SNLP certification is included.

Useful resources